I’ve been beta-testing a new plugin for WordPress, Wibiya. It adds numerous interactive features to your blog or website. At first glance you might be inclined to think that Wibiya doesn’t do anything new or replicates functions that may already be present via other plugins you may have installed. But looking a little deeper it becomes obvious that Wibiya is definitely more than a re-hash and collection of already available tools. It is being agressively developed and new features are already in the pipeline. And to realize that all the functions provided by Wibiya are discretely present in a concise toolbar anchored to the very bottom of your browser window makes it constantly available yet not in the way.
Among some of the features are…
- Search function
- Translate page to another language
- Recent Posts
- Random Post
- Subscribe to RSS feed
- Share this post
- facebook Community
- Twitter Dashboard
- Notification panel
It’s in beta mode right now but it only took several hours for me to be “accepted” into the beta cycle so I’m not sure how difficult it is to get into the program. From my experience it was not very difficult at all.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
Cool. I saw that on another website the other day. Might have been http://www.thewordpresschick.com I’m going to get it and give it a whirl
@James that’s quite a coincidence because that’s the same site that I discovered it on too. Let me know what you think of the toolbar once you’ve played with it for a while.
Hey Michael, I really liked your review. I just wanted to add that Im currently using BumpIn SocialBar and it is very very interesting. You should check it out that as well.
Thanks for the heads-up on BumpIn… I’ll check it out.